Fariz Firdausi

co '25, CS + Linguistics

A8 - Face Tracking

A screenshot of face tracking experience

Two masks

A7 - Essay

A screenshot of chatbot interaction

Using a data source

A6 - Chatbot

A screenshot of chatbot interaction

Chat with a bot

A5 - Latent Spaces

Snowmen changing in size rapidly

Control features with sliders

A4 - Particles

A GIF of various moving particles

Particle systems with controllable slides

A3 - Kidpix

A sample of brushes used in the project

User interaction with p5.js

A2 - GIFs

A looping GIF generated with processing

Introduction to p5.js

Smayo, my roommate's cat

an image of Smayo, my roommate's cat

She loves plastic bags...

Turn sound on to listen 👇